Anticancer Research

Journal Abbreviation: ANTICANCER RES
ISSN: 0250-7005
eISSN: 1791-7530
Publisher: International Institute of Anticancer Research (IIAR)

Publications (54)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Risk Factors for Regional and Systemic Metastases in Patients with Sentinel Lymph Node-negative Melanoma (2018) Erdmann M, Sigler D, Uslu U, Göhl J, Grützmann R, Schuler G, Schellerer V Journal article BRAF Inhibitors and Radiation Do Not Act Synergistically to Inhibit WT and V600E BRAF Human Melanoma (2018) Walter L, Heinzerling L Journal article, Original article Sarcoidosis Under Dendritic Cell Vaccination Immunotherapy in Long-term Responding Patients with Metastatic Melanoma (2017) Uslu U, Erdmann M, Schliep S, Dörrie J, Schaft N, Schuler G, Schuler-Thurner B Journal article Prognostic Value of "Prepectoral Edema" in MR-mammography (2017) Kaiser CG, Herold M, Krammer J, Baltzer P, Gajda M, Camara O, Schoenberg S, et al. Journal article Clinical Relevance of Serum HER2 and Circulating Tumor Cell Detection in Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients (2017) Banys-Paluchowski M, Witzel I, Riethdorf S, Rack B, Janni W, Fasching P, Solomayer EF, et al. Journal article Vinflunine in the Treatment of Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma - Subgroup Analysis of an Observational Study (2017) Heers H, De Geeter P, Goebell P, Matz U, De Schultz W, Edlich B, Retz M, Hegele A Journal article Weekly High-dose 5-Fluorouracil as 24-hour Infusion Combined with Sodium Folinic Acid (AIO regimen) Plus Irinotecan in Second-line and Sequential Therapy of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (CRC) (2017) Wein A, Wolff K, Ostermeier N, Busse D, Hagel A, Koch F, Merx K, et al. Journal article Factors Influencing Disease Progression in Patients with Head and Neck Melanoma (2017) Uslu U, Schuler G, Breuninger H Journal article Comparison of PD-L1 mRNA Expression Measured with the CheckPoint Typer® Assay with PD-L1 Protein Expression Assessed with Immunohistochemistry in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (2017) Erber R, Stoehr R, Herlein S, Giedl C, Rieker R, Fuchs F, Ficker JH, et al. Journal article Comparison of the Serum Tumor Markers S100 and Melanoma-inhibitory Activity (MIA) in the Monitoring of Patients with Metastatic Melanoma Receiving Vaccination Immunotherapy with Dendritic Cells (2017) Uslu U, Schliep S, Schliep K, Erdmann M, Koch HU, Parsch H, Rosenheinrich S, et al. Journal article
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