Soft Matter

Journal Abbreviation: SOFT MATTER
ISSN: 1744-683X
eISSN: 1744-6848
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry

Publications (85)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Shear zones in granular mixtures of hard and soft particles with high and low friction (2024) Singh AP, Angelidakis V, Pöschel T, Roy S Journal article, Online publication Dilute gel networks vs. clumpy gels in colloidal systems with a competition between repulsive and attractive interactions (2024) Gimperlein M, Immink JN, Schmiedeberg M Journal article Steering self-organisation through confinement (2023) Araújo NA, Janssen LM, Barois T, Boffetta G, Cohen I, Corbetta A, Dauchot O, et al. Journal article Cell-free layer development and spatial organization of healthy and rigid red blood cells in a microfluidic bifurcation (2023) Rashidi Y, Aouane O, Darras A, John T, Harting J, Wagner C, Recktenwald SM Journal article Macroscopic analogue to entangled polymers (2023) Goemez LRR, Garciea NA, Pöschel T Journal article A new hyperelastic lookup table for RT-DC (2023) Wittwer LD, Reichel F, Müller P, Guck J, Aland S Journal article Shear rheology of methyl cellulose based solutions for cell mechanical measurements at high shear rates (2023) Büyükurgancı B, Basu SK, Neuner M, Guck J, Wierschem A, Reichel F Journal article Mixing properties of bi-disperse ellipsoid assemblies: mean-field behaviour in a granular matter experiment (2023) Schaller F, Punzmann H, Schröder-Turk GE, Saadatfar M Journal article Determination of specific and non-specific protein-protein interactions for beta-lactoglobulin by analytical ultracentrifugation and membrane osmometry experiments (2022) Uttinger M, Hundschell CS, Lautenbach V, Pusara S, Bather S, Heyn TR, Keppler JK, et al. Journal article Determination of specific and non-specific protein-protein interactions for beta-lactoglobulin by analytical ultracentrifugation and membrane osmometry experiments (2022) Uttinger M, Hundschell CS, Lautenbach V, Pusara S, Bather S, Heyn TR, Keppler JK, et al. Journal article