ISSN: 0165-2826
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Publications (11)
Robin Damberger, CO2-Steuern: eine rechtliche Einordnung möglicher Ausgestaltungsoptionen in Österreich, Schriften zum österreichischen Abgabenrecht, vol. 85, LexisNexis, 2021 (2022)
Meßerschmidt K
Journal article
Can the Switch-Over Rule and the Role of Permanent Establishments be considered the Neglected Stepchildren of the GloBE Proposal? (2021)
Schwarz M
Journal article
What Is International Double Taxation? (2020)
Ismer R, Ruß J
Journal article
A Finale Incomparabile to the Saga of Definitive Losses? Deduction of Foreign Losses and Fundamental Freedoms After Bevola and Sofina (2019)
Ismer R, Kandel H
Journal article
Taxes on Digital Services and the Substantive Scope of Application of Tax Treaties: Pushing the Boundaries of Article 2 of the OECD Model? (2018)
Ismer R, Jescheck C
Journal article
Selectivity in Corporate Tax Matters After World Duty Free: A Tale of Two Consistencies Revisited (2018)
Ismer R, Piotrowski S
Journal article
The Substantive Scope of Tax Treaties in a Post-BEPS World: Article 2 OECD MC (Taxes Covered) and the Rise of New Taxes (2017)
Ismer R, Jescheck C
Journal article
International Double Taxation Under VAT: Causes and Possible Solutions (2017)
Ismer R, Artinger K
Journal article
A BIT Too Much: Or How Best to Resolve Tax Treaty Disputes? (2016)
Ismer R, Piotrowski S
Journal article
The selectivity of tax measures - a tale of two consistencies (2015)
Ismer R, Piotrowski S
Journal article