Advanced Materials
Journal Abbreviation: ADV MATER
ISSN: 0935-9648
Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag
Publications (76)
Molecular-Level Hybridization of Nafion with Quantum Dots for Highly Enhanced Proton Conduction (2018)
Wu W, Li Y, Liu J, Wang J, He Y, Davey K, Qiao SZ
Journal article, Original article
Excitons and Trions in One-Photon- and Two-Photon-Excited MoS2: A Study in Dispersions (2018)
Wibmer L, Lages S, Unruh T, Guldi DM
Journal article
Bioinspired Photonic Pigments from Colloidal Self-Assembly (2018)
Görlitzer E, Klupp Taylor R, Vogel N
Journal article, Review article
The Optical Janus Effect: Asymmetric Structural Color Reflection Materials (2017)
England GT, Russell C, Shirman E, Kay T, Vogel N, Aizenberg J
Journal article, Original article
Homo-Tandem Polymer Solar Cells with V-OC > 1.8 V for Efficient PV-Driven Water Splitting (2016)
Gao Y, Le Corre VM, Gaïtis A, Neophytou M, Hamid MA, Takanabe K, Beaujuge PM
Journal article
The Hidden Pathways in Dense Energy Materials - Oxygen at Defects in Nanocrystalline Metals (2015)
Scherrer B, Doebeli M, Felfer P, Spolenak R, Cairney J, Galinski H
Journal article
Bioinspired Hybrid White Light-Emitting Diodes (2015)
Weber M, Niklaus L, Pröschel M, Brana Coto P, Sonnewald U, Costa Riquelme RD
Journal article
Green Processing of Metal Oxide Core-Shell Nanoparticles as Low-Temperature Dielectrics in Organic Thin-Film Transistors (2015)
Portilla Berlanga L, Etschel S, Tykwinski R, Halik M
Journal article, Original article
High Mobility and Low Density of Trap States in Dual-Solid-Gated PbS Nanocrystal Field-Effect Transistors (2015)
Nugraha MI, Häusermann R, Bisri SZ, Matsui H, Sytnyk M, Heiß W, Takeya J, Loi MA
Journal article, Original article
Micro/Macroporous System: MFI-Type Zeolite Crystals with Embedded Macropores (2015)
Machoke A, Beltran AM, Inayat A, Winter B, Weissenberger T, Kruse N, Guettel R, et al.
Journal article