Labour Economics
Journal Abbreviation: LABOUR ECON
ISSN: 0927-5371
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (25)
The Timing of Retirement - New Evidence from Swiss Female Workers (2012)
Hanel B, Riphahn RT
Journal article, Original article
Comparing the Effectiveness of Employment Subsidies (2011)
Merkl C, Brown AJG, Snower D
Journal article
Egyptian Men Working Abroad: Labor-Supply Responses by The Women Left Behind (2011)
Binzel C, Assaad R
Journal article, Original article
Temporary Contracts and Employee Effort (2005)
Engellandt A, Riphahn RT
Journal article, Original article
Labor Force Transitions of Older Married Couples in Germany (1999)
Riphahn RT, Blau DM
Journal article, Original article