Pattern Recognition Letters
Journal Abbreviation: PATTERN RECOGN LETT
ISSN: 0167-8655
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (12)
Forensic analysis of AI-compression traces in spatial and frequency domain (2024)
Bergmann S, Moussa D, Brand F, Kaup A, Rieß C
Journal article
The edge-preservation similarity for comparing rooted, unordered, node-labeled trees (2023)
Boria N, Kiederle J, Yger F, Blumenthal DB
Journal article
Transfer learning helps to improve the accuracy to classify patients with different speech disorders in different languages (2021)
Vásquez-Correa JC, Rios-Urrego CD, Arias Vergara T, Schuster M, Rusz J, Nöth E, Orozco-Arroyave JR
Journal article
Fast linear sum assignment with error-correction and no cost constraints (2020)
Bougleux S, Gauzere B, Blumenthal DB, Brun L
Journal article
On the exact computation of the graph edit distance (2020)
Blumenthal DB, Gamper J
Journal article
Improved local search for graph edit distance (2020)
Boria N, Blumenthal DB, Bougleux S, Brun L
Journal article
Peeking behind objects: Layered depth prediction from a single image (2019)
Dhamo H, Tateno K, Laina I, Navab N, Tombari F
Journal article
An approximation of the Gaussian RBF kernel for efficient classification with SVMs (2016)
Ring M, Eskofier B
Journal article
A simple and effective relevance-based point sampling for 3D shapes (2015)
Rodola E, Albarelli A, Cremers D, Torsello A
Journal article
Optimal feature selection for nonlinear data using branch-and-bound in kernel space (2015)
Ring M, Eskofier B
Journal article