Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes
Journal Abbreviation: BBA-BIOMEMBRANES
ISSN: 0005-2736
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (7)
Manipulation of charge distribution in the arginine and glutamate clusters of the OmpG pore alters sugar specificity and ion selectivity (2019)
Schmitt C, Bafna JA, Schmid B, Klingl S, Baier S, Hemmis B, Wagner R, et al.
Journal article
Membrane pore formation in atomistic and coarse-grained simulations (2016)
Böckmann R, Kirsch S
Journal article, Review article
Interaction study between maltose-modified PPI dendrimers and lipidic model membranes (2015)
Wrobel D, Appelhans D, Signorelli M, Wiesner B, Fessas D, Scheler U, Voit B, Maly J
Journal article
The influence of additives on the nanoscopic dynamics of the phospholipid dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (2011)
Busch S, Unruh T
Journal article
Dopamine D3 Receptor Ligands - Recent Advances in the Control of Subtype Selectivity and Intrinsic Activity (2007)
Gmeiner P
Journal article
A Ca2+- and voltage-modulated flagellar ion channel is a component of the mechanoshock response in the unicellular green alga Spermatozopsis similis (2000)
Hill K, Hemmler R, Kovermann P, Calenberg M, Kreimer G, Wagner R
Journal article
Cutting, ageing and expression of plant membrane transporters (1997)
Sauer N
Journal article, Original article