German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research
Journal Abbreviation: Ger J Exerc Sport Res
ISSN: 2509-3142
eISSN: 2509-3150
Publisher: Springer
Publications (23)
Recent developments in the German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research: Steps to enhance process and manuscript quality (2024)
Reimers AK, Wollesen B
Journal article
Must we tell people to be less active? The dilemma of physical activity recommendations from a holistic health perspective (2024)
Gelius P, Till M, Messing S, Tcymbal A, Abu-Omar K
Journal article
Active mobility—(also) a topic for sport science? (2024)
Reimers AK, Demetriou Y
Journal article
Germany’s 2022 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents (2024)
Demetriou Y, Beck F, Sturm DJ, Abu-Omar K, Forberger S, Hebestreit A, Hohmann A, et al.
Journal article, Review article
Toward a representative assessment of competencies for a healthy, physically active lifestyle in the German population: development and validation of a short version of the physical activity-related health competence questionnaire (PAHCO_12) (2024)
Carl J, Domanska OM, Buchmann M, Jordan S, Pfeifer K, Sudeck G
Journal article
The role of parental environmental self-identity in active travel behavior within parent–adolescent dyads (2023)
Seemüller S, Beck F, Tristram C, Marzi I, Renninger D, Demetriou Y, Reimers AK
Journal article
Community-based physical activity-related health promotion in Germany Systematic review and good practice projects (2023)
Dippon L, Helsper N, Kohler S, Weber P, Rütten A, Pfeifer K, Birkholz L, Semrau J
Journal article
Promoting physical activity among socially disadvantaged women: Findings on target group outreach, course retention, and impact of the BIG project as a case study for participatory interventions in community settings Bewegungsförderung bei sozial benachteiligten Frauen: Erkenntnisse zur Zielgruppenerreichung, Kursbindung und Wirkung des BIG-Projekts als Fallstudie für partizipative Interventionen im kommunalen Setting (2023)
Linder S, Herbert-Maul A, Ziemainz H, Thiel A, Holle R, Laxy M, Pedron S, Abu-Omar K
Journal article
Partial replacement of the Editorial Board of the German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research : Fluent transition (2022)
Reimers AK, Brand R, Voelcker-Rehage C, Wollesen B
Journal article
Competence orientation in sport: a taxonomy for physical education (2022)
Toepfer C, Hapke J, Liebl S, Sygusch R
Journal article