Complex critical points in Lorentzian spinfoam quantum gravity: Four-simplex amplitude and effective dynamics on a double- Δ3 complex

Han M, Liu H, Qu D (2023)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2023


Book Volume: 108

Article Number: 026010

Journal Issue: 2

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.026010


The complex critical points are analyzed in the four-dimensional Lorentzian Engle-Pereira-Rovelli-Livine spinfoam model in the large-j regime. For the four-simplex amplitude, taking into account the complex critical point generalizes the large-j asymptotics to the situation with non-Regge boundary data and relates to the twisted geometry. For generic simplicial complexes, we present a general procedure to derive the effective theory of Regge geometries from the spinfoam amplitude in the large-j regime by using the complex critical points. The effective theory is analyzed in detail for the spinfoam amplitude on the double-Δ3 simplicial complex. We numerically compute the effective action and the solution of the effective equation of motion on the double-Δ3 complex. The effective theory reproduces the classical Regge gravity when the Barbero-Immirzi parameter γ is small.

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How to cite


Han, M., Liu, H., & Qu, D. (2023). Complex critical points in Lorentzian spinfoam quantum gravity: Four-simplex amplitude and effective dynamics on a double- Δ3 complex. Physical Review D, 108(2).


Han, Muxin, Hongguang Liu, and Dongxue Qu. "Complex critical points in Lorentzian spinfoam quantum gravity: Four-simplex amplitude and effective dynamics on a double- Δ3 complex." Physical Review D 108.2 (2023).

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