Light ring behind wormhole throat: Geodesics, images, and shadows

Huang H, Kunz J, Yang J, Zhang C (2023)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2023


Book Volume: 107

Article Number: 104060

Journal Issue: 10

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.107.104060


The geodesics of the Ellis-Bronnikov wormhole with two parameters are studied. The asymmetric wormhole has only one light ring and one innermost stable circular orbit located on one side of the wormhole throat. Consequently, certain light rays can be reflected back by the wormhole. Additionally, the same wormhole can have different appearances on both sides of the throat. We present novel images of the wormhole with a light ring behind the throat in a scenario with an accretion disk as the light source and in a backlit wormhole scenario, which are distinct from the images of other compact objects and have the potential to be observed.

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How to cite


Huang, H., Kunz, J., Yang, J., & Zhang, C. (2023). Light ring behind wormhole throat: Geodesics, images, and shadows. Physical Review D, 107(10).


Huang, Hyat, et al. "Light ring behind wormhole throat: Geodesics, images, and shadows." Physical Review D 107.10 (2023).

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