Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability—A Systematic Review of Information Systems Literature

Schoormann T, Strobel G, Möller F, Petrik D, Zschech P (2023)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Journal article, Review article

Publication year: 2023


Book Volume: 52

Article Number: 8

Journal Issue: 1


DOI: 10.17705/1cais.05209


The booming adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) likewise poses benefits and challenges. In this paper, we particularly focus on the bright side of AI and its promising potential to face our society’s grand challenges. Given this potential, different studies have already conducted valuable work by conceptualizing specific facets of AI and sustainability, including reviews on AI and Information Systems (IS) research or AI and business values. Nonetheless, there is still little holistic knowledge at the intersection of IS, AI, and sustainability. This is problematic because the IS discipline, with its socio-technical nature, has the ability to integrate perspectives beyond the currently dominant technological one as well as can advance both theory and the development of purposeful artifacts. To bridge this gap, we disclose how IS research currently makes use of AI to boost sustainable development. Based on a systematically collected corpus of 95 articles, we examine sustainability goals, data inputs, technologies and algorithms, and evaluation approaches that coin the current state of the art within the IS discipline. This comprehensive overview enables us to make more informed investments (e.g., policy and practice) as well as to discuss blind spots and possible directions for future research.

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How to cite


Schoormann, T., Strobel, G., Möller, F., Petrik, D., & Zschech, P. (2023). Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability—A Systematic Review of Information Systems Literature. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 52(1).


Schoormann, Thorsten, et al. "Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability—A Systematic Review of Information Systems Literature." Communications of the Association for Information Systems 52.1 (2023).

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