Chemical synthesis of human trefoil factor 1 (TFF1) and its homodimer provides novel insights into their mechanisms of action

Braga Emidio N, Baik H, Lee D, Stürmer R, Heuer J, Elliott AG, Blaskovich MA, Haupenthal K, Tegtmeyer N, Hoffmann W, Schroeder CI, Muttenthaler M (2020)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2020


Book Volume: 56

Pages Range: 6420-6423

Journal Issue: 47

DOI: 10.1039/d0cc02321c


TFF1 is a key peptide for gastrointestinal protection and repair. Its molecular mechanism of action remains poorly understood with synthetic intractability a recognised bottleneck. Here we describe the synthesis of TFF1 and its homodimer and their interactions with mucins andHelicobacter pylori. Synthetic access to TFF1 is an important milestone for probe and therapeutic development.

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How to cite


Braga Emidio, N., Baik, H., Lee, D., Stürmer, R., Heuer, J., Elliott, A.G.,... Muttenthaler, M. (2020). Chemical synthesis of human trefoil factor 1 (TFF1) and its homodimer provides novel insights into their mechanisms of action. Chemical Communications, 56(47), 6420-6423.


Braga Emidio, Nayara, et al. "Chemical synthesis of human trefoil factor 1 (TFF1) and its homodimer provides novel insights into their mechanisms of action." Chemical Communications 56.47 (2020): 6420-6423.

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