Remote Speckle-Based Measurements of Backward Brillouin Acoustic Vibrations in Optical Fibers

Asraf S, Lengenfelder B, Schmidt M, Zalevsky Z (2020)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2020


DOI: 10.3390

Open Access Link:


We propose a novel technique for measurements of Brillouin acoustic vibrations based on temporal tracking of back-reflected speckle patterns. The proposed method holds the potential to enhance some of the limiting factors in Brillouin frequency measurements while yielding increased spatial resolution and shorter scanning times of the inspected fiber. Experimental results show the capabilities of the proposed method are presented, using a two pump-waves configuration.

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How to cite


Asraf, S., Lengenfelder, B., Schmidt, M., & Zalevsky, Z. (2020). Remote Speckle-Based Measurements of Backward Brillouin Acoustic Vibrations in Optical Fibers. Applied Sciences.


Asraf, Sagie, et al. "Remote Speckle-Based Measurements of Backward Brillouin Acoustic Vibrations in Optical Fibers." Applied Sciences (2020).

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