The Fit Between Purchase Situations and B2B E-Marketplaces and its Impact on Relationship Success

Hartmann E, Ritter T, Gemünden HG (2002)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2002


Publisher: Henry Stewart Publications

Book Volume: 1

Pages Range: 395-414

Journal Issue: 3

DOI: 10.1362/147539202764441119


The internet is not a mere alternative channel for marketing or selling products online, instead electronic marketplace enables buyers and sellers to innovate whole business processes from sourcing and production to customer service. These changes will significantly impact business-to-business interactions and relationships as it offers new ways of collaborating across organizational boundaries. In this study the authors conceptualize the appropriate fit between purchase situation and B2B E-marketplace for optimizing the value creation as a set of direct and indirect functions of buyer-supplier relationships. The findings from an empirical study of 119 firms show that the appropriate fit especially contributes to the direct values of the supplier relationship. The results of this study have considerable consequences for relationship management.

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How to cite


Hartmann, E., Ritter, T., & Gemünden, H.G. (2002). The Fit Between Purchase Situations and B2B E-Marketplaces and its Impact on Relationship Success. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1(3), 395-414.


Hartmann, Evi, Thomas Ritter, and Hans Georg Gemünden. "The Fit Between Purchase Situations and B2B E-Marketplaces and its Impact on Relationship Success." Journal of Consumer Behaviour 1.3 (2002): 395-414.

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