Submicrometer Nanostructure-Based RGB Filters for CMOS Image Sensors

Berzins J, Fasold S, Pertsch T, Baeumer SMB, Setzpfandt F (2019)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2019


Book Volume: 6

Pages Range: 1018-1025

Journal Issue: 4

DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.9b00021


Digital color imaging relies on spectral filters on top of a pixelated sensor, such as a CMOS image sensor. An important parameter of imaging devices is their resolution, which depends on the size of the pixels. For many applications, a high resolution is desirable, consequently requiring small spectral filters. Dielectric nanostructures, due to their resonant behavior and its tunability, offer the possibility to be assembled into flexible and miniature spectral filters, which could potentially replace conventional pigmented and dye-based color filters. In this paper, we demonstrate the generation of transmissive structural colors based on uniform-height amorphous silicon nanostructures. We optimize the structures for the primary RGB colors and report the construction of submicrometer RGB filter arrays for a pixel size down to 0.5 μm.

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How to cite


Berzins, J., Fasold, S., Pertsch, T., Baeumer, S.M.B., & Setzpfandt, F. (2019). Submicrometer Nanostructure-Based RGB Filters for CMOS Image Sensors. ACS Photonics, 6(4), 1018-1025.


Berzins, Jonas, et al. "Submicrometer Nanostructure-Based RGB Filters for CMOS Image Sensors." ACS Photonics 6.4 (2019): 1018-1025.

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