3D imaging of myocardial perfusion and coronary tree morphology from a single rotational angiogram

Lauritsch G, Rohkohl C, Hornegger J, Sinha AM, Rittger H, Brachmann J, Rieber J, Rittger H (2011)

Publication Type: Conference contribution, Conference Contribution

Publication year: 2011


Original Authors: Lauritsch G., Rohkohl C., Hornegger J., Sinha A., Brachmann J., Rieber J., Rittger H.

Book Volume: 7964

Pages Range: -

Event location: Lake Buena Vista, FL

Journal Issue: null

DOI: 10.1117/12.877931


Diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease are performed in the catheter laboratory using an angiographic X-ray C-arm system. The morphology of the coronary tree and potentially ischemic lesions are determined in 2D projection views. The hemodynamic impact of the lesion would be valuable information for treatment decision. Using other modalities for functional imaging is disrupting the clinical workflow since the patient has to be transferred from the catheter laboratory to another scanner, and back to the catheter laboratory for performing the treatment. In this work a novel technology is used for simultaneous 3D imaging of first pass perfusion and the morphology of the coronary tree from a single rotational angiogram. A selective, single shot of contrast agent of less than 20ml directly into the coronaries is sufficient for a proper contrast resolution. Due to the long acquisition time cardiac motion has to be considered. A novel reconstruction technique for estimation and compensation of cardiac motion from the acquired projection data is used. The overlay of the 3D structure of the coronary tree and the perfusion image shows the correlation of myocardial areas and the associated coronary sections supporting that region. In a case example scar lesions caused by a former myocardial infarct are investigated. A first pass perfusion defect is found which is validated by a late enhancement magnetic resonance image. No ischemic defects are found. The non vital regions are still supported by the coronary vasculature. © 2011 SPIE.

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How to cite


Lauritsch, G., Rohkohl, C., Hornegger, J., Sinha, A.-M., Rittger, H., Brachmann, J.,... Rittger, H. (2011). 3D imaging of myocardial perfusion and coronary tree morphology from a single rotational angiogram. In Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2011: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling (pp. -). Lake Buena Vista, FL.


Lauritsch, Günter, et al. "3D imaging of myocardial perfusion and coronary tree morphology from a single rotational angiogram." Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2011: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling, Lake Buena Vista, FL 2011. -.

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