IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering

ISSN: 1558-2531

Publications (9)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



MyoBio: An automated bioreactor system technology for standardized perfusion-decellularization of whole skeletal muscle (2022) Ritter P, Cai A, Reischl B, Fiedler M, Prölß G, Frie B, Kretzschmar E, et al. Journal article, Original article Inference of the Selective Auditory Attention using Sequential LMMSE Estimation (2021) Kuruvila I, Demir KC, Fischer E, Hoppe U Journal article Image-Based Artefact Removal in Laser Scanning Microscopy (2020) Papiez BW, Markelc B, Brown G, Muschel RJ, Brady M, Schnabel JA Journal article Multi-Parametric Standardization of Fluorescence Imaging Systems Based on a Composite Phantom (2020) Gorpas D, Koch M, Anastasopoulou M, Bozhko D, Klemm U, Nieberler M, Ntziachristos V Journal article Maximum Entropy Based Non-Negative Optoacoustic Tomographic Image Reconstruction (2019) Prakash J, Mandal S, Razansky D, Ntziachristos V Journal article Regional Multi-View Learning for Cardiac Motion Analysis: Application to Identification of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Patients (2019) Puyol-Anton E, Ruijsink B, Gerber B, Amzulescu MS, Langet H, De Craene M, Schnabel JA, et al. Journal article A novel grading biomarker for the prediction of conversion from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease (2017) Tong T, Gao Q, Guerrero R, Ledig C, Chen L, Rueckert D Journal article Comparison Study for Whitney (Raviart-Thomas)-Type Source Models in Finite-Element-Methods-Based EEG Forward Modeling (2015) Bauer M, Pursiainen S, Vorwerk J, Köstler H, Wolters C Journal article Automated multiscale morphometry of muscle disease from second harmonic generation microscopy using tensor-based image processing. (2012) Garbe CS, Buttgereit A, Schürmann S, Friedrich O Journal article, Original article