Clinical Oral Investigations

Journal Abbreviation: CLIN ORAL INVEST
ISSN: 1432-6981
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)

Publications (42)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Three-dimensional assessment of upper airway changes associated with mandibular positional deviations following fibula free flap reconstruction (2024) Schulz K, Matta R, Nobis CP, Möst T, Kesting MR, Lutz R Journal article Improved recurrence rates and progression-free survival in primarily surgically treated oral squamous cell carcinoma – results from a German tertiary medical center (2024) Struckmeier AK, Buchbender M, Lutz R, Kesting MR Journal article Clinical insights into traumatic injury of the inferior alveolar and lingual nerves: a comprehensive approach from diagnosis to therapeutic interventions (2024) Kämmerer PW, Heimes D, Hartmann A, Kesting MR, Khoury F, Schiegnitz E, Thiem DG, et al. Journal article, Review article Occult metastasis is no burden factor in oral squamous cell carcinoma patients when adhering to a standardized approach in neck dissection (2024) Struckmeier AK, Buchbender M, Möst T, Lutz R, Agaimy A, Kesting MR Journal article Impact of different cephalometric skeletal configurations on anatomic midface parameters in adults (2024) Willershausen I, Ehrenfried A, Krautkremer F, Ströbel A, Seidel CL, Paulsen F, Kopp M, et al. Journal article Implications of root, pulp chamber, and canal anatomy on pulpotomy and revitalization procedures (2023) Ahmed HMA, El-karim I, Duncan HF, Krastl G, Galler KM Journal article, Review article Clinical implementation of axial angulation of incisors in the course of routine fixed appliance treatment — a retrospective cohort study (2023) Pour RD, Papageorgiou SN, Safi S, Eble OS, Jäger A, Gölz L Journal article The impact of passive alveolar molding vs. nasoalveolar molding on cleft width and other parameters of maxillary growth in unilateral cleft lip palate (2023) Parhofer R, Rau A, Strobel K, Gölz L, Stark R, Ritschl LM, Wolff KD, et al. Journal article Impact of polishing system on surface roughness of different ceramic surfaces after various pretreatments and bracket debonding (2023) Jungbauer R, Liebermann A, Hammer C, Edelhoff D, Proff P, Stawarczyk B Journal article Imaging of traumatic mandibular fractures in young adults using CT-like MRI: a feasibility study (2022) Feuerriegel GC, Ritschl LM, Sollmann N, Palla B, Leonhardt Y, Maier L, Gassert FT, et al. Journal article