Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy / Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie "Grigore T. Popa" (UMF Iași)

University / College

Location: Iași, Romania (RO) RO

ISNI: 0000000106851605


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Muscular and neuronal control of voice production – forgotten findings, current concepts, and new developments (2024) Tracicaru R, Bräuer L, Döllinger M, Hînganu D, Paulsen F, Hînganu MV Journal article Atherosclerotic renovascular disease: a clinical practice document by the European Renal Best Practice (ERBP) board of the European Renal Association (ERA) and the Working Group Hypertension and the Kidney of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) (2023) Sarafidis PA, Theodorakopoulou M, Ortiz A, Fernandez-Fernandez B, Nistor I, Schmieder R, Arici M, et al. Journal article An international survey of current management practices for polymyalgia rheumatica by general practitioners and rheumatologists (2023) Donskov AO, Mackie SL, Hauge EM, Toro-Gutierrez CE, Hansen IT, Hemmig AK, Van Der Maas A, et al. Journal article Multicenter International Study of the Consensus Immunoscore for the Prediction of Relapse and Survival in Early-Stage Colon Cancer (2023) Mlecnik B, Lugli A, Bindea G, Marliot F, Bifulco C, Lee JKJ, Zlobec I, et al. Journal article Clinical Performance of the Consensus Immunoscore in Colon Cancer in the Asian Population from the Multicenter International SITC Study (2022) Mlecnik B, Torigoe T, Bindea G, Popivanova B, Xu M, Fujita T, Hazama S, et al. Journal article MANAGEMENT OF REFERRALS, TREATMENT STRATEGY, AND RESEARCH CHALLENGES IN POLYMYALGIA RHEUMATICA AMONGST RHEUMATOLOGISTS WORLDWIDE: A QUESTIONNAIRE BASED STUDY (2022) Donskov AO, Mackie S, Hauge EM, Gutierrez CT, Hansen I, Hemmig A, Van Der Maas A, et al. Conference contribution An algorithm for differentiating food antigen-related gastrointestinal symptoms (2021) Rostami K, Bold J, Ali JI, Parr A, Dieterich W, Zopf Y, Htoo A, et al. Journal article Multicenter International Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Study of the Consensus Immunoscore for the Prediction of Survival and Response to Chemotherapy in Stage III Colon Cancer (2020) Mlecnik B, Bifulco C, Bindea G, Marliot F, Lugli A, Lee JJ, Zlobec I, et al. Journal article Predictors of disease worsening defined by progression of organ damage in diffuse systemic sclerosis: a European Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) analysis (2019) Becker M, Graf N, Sauter R, Allanore Y, Curram J, Denton CP, Khanna D, et al. Journal article Progressive skin fibrosis is associated with a decline in lung function and worse survival in patients with diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis in the European Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) cohort (2019) Wu W, Jordan S, Graf N, Pena JDO, Curram J, Allanore Y, Matucci-Cerinic M, et al. Journal article