
Research picture

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Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
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Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Perceived algorithmic fairness: An empirical study of transparency and anthropomorphism in algorithmic recruiting (2024) Ochmann J, Michels L, Tiefenbeck V, Maier C, Laumer S Journal article, Review article The Acceptance of AI-based Recommendations: An Elaboration Likelihood Perspective (2022) Michels L, Ochmann J, Tiefenbeck V, Laumer S Conference contribution User behavior in a real-world peer-to-peer electricity market (2020) Ableitner L, Tiefenbeck V, Meeuw A, Wörner A, Fleisch E, Wortmann F Journal article Supporting Citizens’ Political Decision-Making Using Information Visualisation (2020) Graf V, Graf-Drasch V, Tiefenbeck V, Weitzel R, Fridgen G Conference contribution, Conference Contribution The influence of algorithm aversion and anthropomorphic agent design on the acceptance of AI-based job recommendations (2020) Ochmann J, Michels L, Zilker S, Tiefenbeck V, Laumer S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Energy conservation: Real-time feedback reduces energy consumption among the broader public without financial incentives (2019) Tiefenbeck V, Wörner A, Schöb S, Fleisch E, Staake T Journal article Trading solar energy within the neighborhood: Field implementation of a blockchain-based electricity market (2019) Wörner A, Ableitner L, Meeuw A, Wortmann F, Tiefenbeck V Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Peer-to-peer energy trading in the real world: Market design and evaluation of the user value proposition. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (2019) Wörner A, Ableitner L, Meeuw A, Wortmann F, Tiefenbeck V Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Real-time feedback promotes energy conservation in the absence of volunteer selection bias and monetary incentives (2019) Tiefenbeck V, Wörner A, Schöb S, Fleisch E, Staake T Journal article The impact of numerical vs. symbolic eco-driving feedback on fuel consumption – a randomized control field trial (2018) Dahlinger A, Tiefenbeck V, Ryder B, Gahr B, Fleisch E, Wortmann F Journal article
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