Materials Characterization and Modeling


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Impact of optical strain rate controlling on the determination of mechanical sheet metal properties (2024) Naumann D, Merklein M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Investigation of the Thermomechanical Properties During Hot Stamping of a Complex Phase Steel Carburized at Elevated Temperatures (2024) Risse JH, Merklein M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Influence of an optical strain rate controlled tensile testing method on mechanical properties of sheet metals (2024) Naumann D, Merklein M Conference contribution Erweiterung des Prozessfensters für das lokale Aufkohlen bei erhöhten Temperaturen eines pressgehärteten Komplexphasenstahls (2023) Risse JH, Merklein M Conference contribution Carburization behavior at elevated temperatures and mechanical properties of a hot stamped complex phase steel (2023) Risse JH, Sippel F, Merklein M Journal article Determination of Forming Limit Curves - Strain Path and Failure Analysis (2022) Kohl D, Merklein M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Investigation and modeling of austenite grain growth of conventional hot stamping steel and its influence on microhardness (2022) Horn A, Merklein M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Investigation of the joinability of single- and multi-layered AA6014 sheets produced by accumulative roll bonding in the shear-clinching process (2022) Zettl B, Wiesenmayer S, Kraus M, Merklein M Journal article Analysis of the thermomechanical flow behavior of carburized sheet metal in hot stamping (2021) Horn A, Merklein M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Analysis of Work Hardening and Tribological Changes After a Gap Controlled Drawbead Passage (2021) Schmid H, Merklein M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution