Bildaufnahme, -verbesserung und -rekonstruktion


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Dynamic Image Sampling Using a Novel Variance Based Probability Mass Function (2020) Grosche S, Koller M, Seiler J, Kaup A Journal article Enhanced Image Reconstruction From Quarter Sampling Measurements Using an Adapted Very Deep Super Resolution Network (2020) Grosche S, Fischer K, Brand F, Seiler J, Kaup A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Real-Time Frequency Selective Reconstruction through Register-Based Argmax Calculation (2020) Regensky A, Grosche S, Seiler J, Kaup A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Boosting Compressed Sensing Using Local Measurements and Sliding Window Reconstruction (2020) Grosche S, Regensky A, Seiler J, Kaup A Journal article Key Point Agnostic Frequency-Selective Mesh-to-Grid Image Resampling using Spectral Weighting (2020) Heimann V, Genser N, Kaup A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution A Python-based Laboratory Course for Image and Video Signal Processing on Embedded Systems (2019) Jaskolka K, Seiler J, Beyer F, Kaup A Journal article Joint Regression Modeling and Sparse Spatial Refinement for High-Quality Reconstruction of Distorted Color Images (2019) Genser N, Seiler J, Kaup A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Toward Bridging the Simulated-to-Real Gap: Benchmarking Super-Resolution on Real Data (2019) Köhler T, Bätz M, Naderi Boldaji F, Kaup A, Maier A, Rieß C Journal article Motion-Adapted Three-Dimensional Frequency Selective Extrapolation (2019) Spruck A, Jonscher M, Seiler J, Kaup A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Sparse Signal Recovery with Multiple Prior Information: Algorithm and Measurement Bounds (2018) van Luong H, Deligiannis N, Seiler J, Forchhammer S, Kaup A Journal article