New Work

Research picture

Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The Digital Company: Effects of Digitalization on a Companys Work Environment – Insights of a Systematic Literature (2021) Rücker M, Pakos O, Schubart R, Voigt KI Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Designing Activity-Based Workspaces – An Analysis of Creativity Enhancers and Inhibitors in Physical Work Environments (2021) Rücker M, Pakos O, Bauer M, Voigt KI Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Working in the Office or Working from Home: Where are Employees most Creative? (2021) Rücker M, Maier L, Pakos O, Windschiegl S, Voigt KI Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Balancing Privacy and Communication in Activity-based Workspaces – A Longitudinal Study (2021) Rücker M, Eismann T, Meinel M, Voigt KI Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Balancing Privacy and Communication in Activity-based Workspaces – A Longitudinal Study (2021) Rücker M, Eismann T, Meinel M, Voigt KI Conference contribution, Conference Contribution New Work: Significance, Research and Application Areas (2020) Pakos O, Vogel Y, Rücker M, Eismann T, Voigt KI Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Understanding the Mechanisms of Activity-based Workspaces: A Case Study (2020) Eismann T, Pakos O, Rücker M, Meinel M, Maier L, Voigt KI Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Why Employees Refuse Innovative Offices - Barriers Against Activity-based Workspaces (2020) Rücker M, Eismann T, Meinel M, Pakos O, Voigt KI Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Understanding the Mechanisms of Activity-based Workspaces: A Case Study (2019) Eismann T, Pakos O, Rücker M, Meinel M, Maier L, Voigt KI Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Leading for Creativity: Reviewing the Past Decade of Empirical Research on Leader Characteristics and Behavior (2019) Eismann T, Ries M, Pakos O, Rücker M, Meinel M, Voigt KI Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
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