Towards a collective vision of Thai energy transition: National long-term scenarios and socioeconomic implications

Junlakarn S, Pujantoro M, Chaianong A, Kokchang P, Prommuak C, Chuenwong K, Saelim S, Kumar S, De Vivero G, Schiefer T (2022)

Publication Type: Other publication type

Publication year: 2022


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How to cite


Junlakarn, S., Pujantoro, M., Chaianong, A., Kokchang, P., Prommuak, C., Chuenwong, K.,... Schiefer, T. (2022). Towards a collective vision of Thai energy transition: National long-term scenarios and socioeconomic implications.


Junlakarn, Siripha, et al. Towards a collective vision of Thai energy transition: National long-term scenarios and socioeconomic implications. 2022.

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