Schallert O (2023)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Publication year: 2023
Publisher: Buske
Edited Volumes: Grammatical gaps: definition, typology and theory.
Series: Linguistische Berichte
City/Town: Hamburg
Book Volume: Sonderheft 34
Pages Range: 127–139
ISBN: 978-3-96769-290-7
Schallert, O. (2023). Morphological gaps in verbal diminutive formation: Some observations on Alemannic. In Thomas Strobel und Helmut Weiß (Eds.), Grammatical gaps: definition, typology and theory. (pp. 127–139). Hamburg: Buske.
Schallert, Oliver. "Morphological gaps in verbal diminutive formation: Some observations on Alemannic." Grammatical gaps: definition, typology and theory. Ed. Thomas Strobel und Helmut Weiß, Hamburg: Buske, 2023. 127–139.
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