How do adolescents experience the decision-making process on travel mode choice?

Renninger D, Reimers AK, Marzi I, Beck F, Krieger C, Demetriou Y (2023)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2023


Book Volume: 38

Article Number: daad147

Journal Issue: 6

DOI: 10.1093/heapro/daad147


Active travel can contribute to multiple health benefits in youth. Previous research has identified several factors influencing travel behavior. This study investigates how adolescents process these factors during their decision-making process on travel mode choice. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 adolescents (11–14 years) and analysed using deductive–inductive thematic analysis. Four themes were generated from which the decision-making process on mode choice was conceptualized according to adolescents. The step-by-step process in which travel mode options were gradually reduced, was dependent on the context (Theme 1), the perceived availability of travel mode choice options, which was influenced by factors beyond the individual’s perceived control (Theme 2), and on adolescents’ pros/cons assessment to identify the most convenient option. Adolescents’ habitually used travel mode influenced the decision at several stages throughout the process (Theme 4). To promote healthy travel behaviors, interventions should consider contextual circumstances, balance between enabling autonomous choices and promoting advantages of active travel modes, address individual travel modes and include practices that foster conscious processing of decision-making.

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How to cite


Renninger, D., Reimers, A.K., Marzi, I., Beck, F., Krieger, C., & Demetriou, Y. (2023). How do adolescents experience the decision-making process on travel mode choice? Health promotion international, 38(6).


Renninger, Denise, et al. "How do adolescents experience the decision-making process on travel mode choice?" Health promotion international 38.6 (2023).

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