Cost-Effective Test Setup for Measuring Threshold Voltage Shift of GaN-HEMTs under Long-Term Drain-Voltage Stress

Breidenstein D, Kohlhepp B, Dürbaum T

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Conference contribution, Conference Contribution

Publisher: IEEE

Conference Proceedings Title: 2023 IEEE 10th Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices & Applications (WiPDA)

Event location: Charlotte, NC, USA US

DOI: 10.1109/WiPDA58524.2023.10382213


GaN-HEMTs offer low on-resistances and low capacitances, making them attractive candidates for high efficient power electronic converters. In this field of application, the normally-off transistor is the preferred structure but can exhibit threshold voltage instability problems. Undesired threshold-shifts can lead to increased switching losses or unintended turn-on events. Typically, the dedicated and expensive semiconductor device characterization equipment is unavailable in application-oriented power electronics labs. Therefore, this paper proposes a cost-effective test setup based on standard laboratory equipment to measure the threshold voltage shift due to static long-term drain voltage stress. The test procedure alternates between stress periods and short measurement pulses, during which the transfer characteristic is recorded.

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How to cite


Breidenstein, D., Kohlhepp, B., & Dürbaum, T. (2023). Cost-Effective Test Setup for Measuring Threshold Voltage Shift of GaN-HEMTs under Long-Term Drain-Voltage Stress. In IEEE (Eds.), 2023 IEEE 10th Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices & Applications (WiPDA). Charlotte, NC, USA, US: IEEE.


Breidenstein, Daniel, Benedikt Kohlhepp, and Thomas Dürbaum. "Cost-Effective Test Setup for Measuring Threshold Voltage Shift of GaN-HEMTs under Long-Term Drain-Voltage Stress." Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 10th Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices & Applications (WiPDA), Charlotte, NC, USA Ed. IEEE, IEEE, 2023.

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