Castleman’s disease in the rheumatological practice

Schmalzing M, Sander O, Seidl M, Marks R, Blank N, Kötter I, Tiemann M, Backhaus M, Manger B, Hübel K, Müller-Ladner U, Henes J

Publication Type: Journal article


DOI: 10.1007/s00393-024-01560-5

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How to cite


Schmalzing, M., Sander, O., Seidl, M., Marks, R., Blank, N., Kötter, I.,... Henes, J. (2024). Castleman’s disease in the rheumatological practice. Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie.


Schmalzing, M., et al. "Castleman’s disease in the rheumatological practice." Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie (2024).

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