Exploration of mass splitting and muon/tau mixing parameters for an eV-scale sterile neutrino with IceCube

Abbasi R, Ackermann M, Adams J, Agarwalla SK, Aguilar JA, Ahlers M, Alameddine JM, Amin NM, Andeen K, Argüelles C, Ashida Y, Athanasiadou S, Ausborm L, Axani SN, Bai X, Balagopal A, Baricevic M, Barwick SW, Bash S, Basu V, Bay R, Beatty JJ, Becker Tjus J, Beise J, Bellenghi C, Benning C, BenZvi S, Berley D, Bernardini E, Besson DZ, Blaufuss E, Bloom L, Blot S, Bontempo F, Book Motzkin JY, Boscolo Meneguolo C, Böser S, Botner O, Böttcher J, Braun J, Brinson B, Brostean-Kaiser J, Brusa L, Burley RT, Butterfield D, Campana MA, Caracas I, Carloni K, Carpio J, Chattopadhyay S, Chau N, Chen Z, Chirkin D, Choi S, Clark BA, Coleman A, Collin GH, Connolly A, Conrad JM, Coppin P, Corley R, Correa P, Cowen DF, Dave P, De Clercq C, DeLaunay JJ, Delgado D, Deng S, Desai A, Desiati P, de Vries KD, de Wasseige G, DeYoung T, Diaz A, Díaz-Vélez JC, Dierichs P, Dittmer M, Domi A, Draper L, Dujmovic H, Dutta K, DuVernois MA, Ehrhardt T, Eidenschink L, Eimer A, Eller P, Ellinger E, El Mentawi S, Elsässer D, Engel R, Erpenbeck H, Evans J, Evenson PA, Fan KL, Fang K, Farrag K, Fazely AR, Fedynitch A, Feigl N, Fiedlschuster S, Finley C, Fischer L, Fox D, Franckowiak A, Fukami S, Fürst P, Gallagher J, Ganster E, Garcia A, Garcia M, Garg G, Genton E, Gerhardt L, Ghadimi A, Girard-Carillo C, Glaser C, Glüsenkamp T, Gonzalez JG, Goswami S, Granados A, Grant D, Gray SJ, Gries O, Griffin S, Griswold S, Groth KM, Günther C, Gutjahr P, Ha C, Haack C, Hallgren A, Halve L, Halzen F, Hamdaoui H, Ha Minh M, Handt M, Hanson K, Hardin J, Harnisch AA, Hatch P, Haungs A, Häußler J, Helbing K, Hellrung J, Hermannsgabner J, Heuermann L, Heyer N, Hickford S, Hidvegi A, Hill C, Hill GC, Hoffman KD, Hori S, Hoshina K, Hostert M, Hou W, Huber T, Hultqvist K, Hünnefeld M, Hussain R, Hymon K, Ishihara A, Iwakiri W, Jacquart M, Janik O, Jansson M, Japaridze GS, Jeong M, Jin M, Jones BJ, Kamp N, Kang D, Kang W, Kang X, Kappes A, Kappesser D, Kardum L, Karg T, Karl M, Karle A, Katil A, Katz U, Kauer M, Kelley JL, Khanal M, Khatee Zathul A, Kheirandish A, Kiryluk J, Klein SR, Kochocki A, Koirala R, Kolanoski H, Kontrimas T, Köpke L, Kopper C, Koskinen DJ, Koundal P, Kovacevich M, Kowalski M, Kozynets T, Krishnamoorthi J, Kruiswijk K, Krupczak E, Kumar A, Kun E, Kurahashi N, Lad N, Lagunas Gualda C, Lamoureux M, Larson MJ, Latseva S, Lauber F, Lazar JP, Lee JW, Leonard DeHolton K, Leszczyńska A, Liao J, Lincetto M, Liu YT, Liubarska M, Lohfink E, Love C, Lozano Mariscal CJ, Lu L, Lucarelli F, Luszczak W, Lyu Y, Madsen J, Magnus E, Mahn KB, Makino Y, Manao E, Mancina S, Marie Sainte W, Mariş IC, Marka S, Marka Z, Marsee M, Martinez-Soler I, Maruyama R, Mayhew F, McNally F, Mead JV, Meagher K, Mechbal S, Medina A, Meier M, Merckx Y, Merten L, Micallef J, Mitchell J, Montaruli T, Moore RW, Morii Y, Morse R, Moulai M, Mukherjee T, Naab R, Nagai R, Nakos M, Naumann U, Necker J, Negi A, Neste L, Neumann M, Niederhausen H, Nisa MU, Noda K, Noell A, Novikov A, Obertacke Pollmann A, O'Dell V, Oeyen B, Olivas A, Orsoe R, Osborn J, O'Sullivan E, Pandya H, Park N, Parker GK, Paudel EN, Paul L, Pérez de los Heros C, Pernice T, Peterson J, Philippen S, Pizzuto A, Plum M, Pontén A, Popovych Y, Prado Rodriguez M, Pries B, Procter-Murphy R, Przybylski GT, Raab C, Rack-Helleis J, Ravn M, Rawlins K, Rechav Z, Rehman A, Reichherzer P, Resconi E, Reusch S, Rhode W, Riedel B, Rifaie A, Roberts EJ, Robertson S, Rodan S, Roellinghoff G, Rongen M, Rosted A, Rott C, Ruhe T, Ruohan L, Ryckbosch D, Safa I, Saffer J, Salazar-Gallegos D, Sampathkumar P, Sandrock A, Santander M, Sarkar S, Savelberg J, Savina P, Schaile P, Schaufel M, Schieler H, Schindler S, Schlüter B, Schlüter F, Schmeisser N, Schmidt T, Schneider J, Schröder FG, Schumacher L, Sclafani S, Seckel D, Seikh M, Seo M, Seunarine S, Sevle Myhr P, Shah R, Shefali S, Shimizu N, Silva M, Skrzypek B, Smithers B, Snihur R, Soedingrekso J, Søgaard A, Soldin D, Soldin P, Sommani G, Spannfellner C, Spiczak GM, Spiering C, Stamatikos M, Stanev T, Stezelberger T, Stürwald T, Stuttard T, Sullivan GW, Taboada I, Ter-Antonyan S, Terliuk A, Thiesmeyer M, Thompson WG, Thwaites J, Tilav S, Tollefson K, Tönnis C, Toscano S, Tosi D, Trettin A, Turcotte R, Twagirayezu JP, Unland Elorrieta MA, Upadhyay AK, Upshaw K, Vaidyanathan A, Valtonen-Mattila N, Vandenbroucke J, van Eijndhoven N, Vannerom D, van Santen J, Vara J, Varsi F, Veitch-Michaelis J, Venugopal M, Vereecken M, Verpoest S, Veske D, Vijai A, Walck C, Wang A, Weaver C, Weigel P, Weindl A, Weldert J, Wen AY, Wendt C, Werthebach J, Weyrauch M, Whitehorn N, Wiebusch CH, Williams DR, Witthaus L, Wolf A, Wolf M, Wrede G, Xu XW, Yanez JP, Yildizci E, Yoshida S, Young R, Yu S, Yuan T, Zhang Z, Zhelnin P, Zilberman P, Zimmerman M (2024)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2024


Book Volume: 858

Article Number: 139077

DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.139077


We present the first three-parameter fit to a 3+1 sterile neutrino model using 7.634 years of data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory on νμ+ν‾μ charged-current interactions in the energy range 500–9976 GeV. Our analysis is sensitive to the mass-squared splitting between the heaviest and lightest mass state (Δm412), the mixing matrix element connecting muon flavor to the fourth mass state (|Uμ4|2), and the element connecting tau flavor to the fourth mass state (|Uτ4|2). Predicted propagation effects in matter enhance the signature through a resonance as atmospheric neutrinos from the Northern Hemisphere traverse the Earth to the IceCube detector at the South Pole. The remaining sterile neutrino matrix elements are left fixed, with |Ue4|2=0 and δ14=0, as they have a negligible effect, and δ24=π is set to give the most conservative limits. The result is consistent with the no-sterile neutrino hypothesis with a probability of 4.3%. Profiling the likelihood of each parameter yields the 90% confidence levels: 2.4eV2<Δm412<9.6eV2, 0.0081<|Uμ4|2<0.10, and |Uτ4|2<0.035, which narrows the allowed parameter-space for |Uτ4|2. However, the primary result of this analysis is the first map of the 3+1 parameter space exploring the interdependence of Δm412, |Uμ4|2, and |Uτ4|2.

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How to cite


Abbasi, R., Ackermann, M., Adams, J., Agarwalla, S.K., Aguilar, J.A., Ahlers, M.,... Zimmerman, M. (2024). Exploration of mass splitting and muon/tau mixing parameters for an eV-scale sterile neutrino with IceCube. Physics Letters B, 858. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2024.139077


Abbasi, R., et al. "Exploration of mass splitting and muon/tau mixing parameters for an eV-scale sterile neutrino with IceCube." Physics Letters B 858 (2024).

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