Planar On-Chip Auto-Ponderomotive Devices for Electron Beam Control

Schmidt-Kaler F, Seidling M, Zimmermann R, Bode N, Bammes F, Radtke L, Hommelhoff P (2024)

Publication Type: Conference contribution

Publication year: 2024

Publisher: IEEE

City/Town: New York City

Book Volume: 390

Pages Range: 1-2

Conference Proceedings Title: 2024 37th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC)

Event location: Brno CZ

DOI: 10.1109/IVNC63480.2024.10652402


New means to manipulate electron beams are highly sought after as they might enable new electron optical functionalities and devices. We recently demonstrated guiding of electron beams with energies of up to 4 keV with the help of a transversely confining potential akin to that of a Paul trap. It resulted from a periodic arrangement of electrodes with alternating polarity, leading to an oscillatory field of the moving electrons. We call this scheme auto-ponderomotive electron guiding. With a more refined electrode pattern, we could also demonstrate splitting of the guided electron beam. The focus of the presentation will be on a resonator for guided electrons, consisting of a linear guide and two switchable electron mirrors. With these elements demonstrated, we aim for quantum electron microscope operation.

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How to cite


Schmidt-Kaler, F., Seidling, M., Zimmermann, R., Bode, N., Bammes, F., Radtke, L., & Hommelhoff, P. (2024). Planar On-Chip Auto-Ponderomotive Devices for Electron Beam Control. In 2024 37th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC) (pp. 1-2). Brno, CZ: New York City: IEEE.


Schmidt-Kaler, Franz, et al. "Planar On-Chip Auto-Ponderomotive Devices for Electron Beam Control." Proceedings of the 2024 37th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC), Brno New York City: IEEE, 2024. 1-2.

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