Light matters: Quantifiable optical interaction between near-infrared laser radiation and nano-additivated polymers in all states of matter present in laser powder bed fusion

Sommereyns A, Leupold S, Rudlof F, Willeke M, Ghosh A, Ohannessian B, Merwin D, Elahi R, Barcikowski S, Vogel N, Schmidt M (2024)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Journal article, Online publication

Publication year: 2024


Article Number: 104211

DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2024.104211


Comprehending the interaction between light and material is crucial to the success of various laser-based processes, including laser powder bed fusion of polymers. The use of the promising near-infrared laser wavelength in laser powder bed fusion of polymers is limited by the need for absorption-enhancing (nano-) additives and insufficient knowledge of the (nano-) particulate impact on the material and process behavior. The presented study lays the groundwork for an improved understanding of the laser-material interaction at different states of matter in laser powder bed fusion by means of thermo-optical measurements with a double integrating sphere setup. The authors characterize polyamide 12 and its nanocomposite powder surface-coated with carbon black nanoparticles by two different additivation methods. The attenuation coefficient and penetration depth of each material were calculated based on the measured transmittance and reflectance in all relevant states of matter. The effects of the feedstock particle size, the nano-additivation method, and the nanoparticle quantity were evaluated. The optical results of resolidified samples were validated using a commercially available spectrophotometer. Finally, the authors were able to qualitatively correlate the thermo-optical results with the depth of fusion of specimens processed at 808 nm.

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How to cite


Sommereyns, A., Leupold, S., Rudlof, F., Willeke, M., Ghosh, A., Ohannessian, B.,... Schmidt, M. (2024). Light matters: Quantifiable optical interaction between near-infrared laser radiation and nano-additivated polymers in all states of matter present in laser powder bed fusion. Additive Manufacturing.


Sommereyns, Alexander, et al. "Light matters: Quantifiable optical interaction between near-infrared laser radiation and nano-additivated polymers in all states of matter present in laser powder bed fusion." Additive Manufacturing (2024).

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