Reliability of power output, maximal rate of capillary blood lactate accumulation, and phosphagen contribution time following 15-s sprint cycling in amateur cyclists

Meixner B, Nusser V, Koehler K, Sablain M, Boone J, Sperlich B (2024)

Publication Type: Journal article, Original article

Publication year: 2024



DOI: 10.14814/phy2.16086

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How to cite


Meixner, B., Nusser, V., Koehler, K., Sablain, M., Boone, J., & Sperlich, B. (2024). Reliability of power output, maximal rate of capillary blood lactate accumulation, and phosphagen contribution time following 15-s sprint cycling in amateur cyclists. Physiological Reports.


Meixner, Benedikt, et al. "Reliability of power output, maximal rate of capillary blood lactate accumulation, and phosphagen contribution time following 15-s sprint cycling in amateur cyclists." Physiological Reports (2024).

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