Zeis R (2023)
Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Publication year: 2023
Publisher: Wiley‐VCH
Edited Volumes: Flow Batteries: From Fundamentals to Applications, Volume 2
Pages Range: 263-280
ISBN: 9783527832767
DOI: 10.1002/9783527832767.ch12
X-ray radiography and tomography have established themselves as suitable visualization techniques for vanadium flow batteries (VFB), providing input for modeling and simulations concerning pore size distributions or transport properties. X-ray and neutron imaging are relatively novel approaches to evaluate porous electrode materials for flow batteries (FB). These techniques are specifically suited for resolving the microstructures and monitoring the electrolyte flow through the electrodes. Radiographs and tomographs provide data to determine transport properties of materials, such as felts and papers, which leads to new and improved electrode designs for electrospinning and 3-D printing.
Zeis, R. (2023). Radiography and Tomography. In Christina Roth, Jens Noack, Maria Skyllas-Kazacos (Eds.), Flow Batteries: From Fundamentals to Applications, Volume 2. (pp. 263-280). Wiley‐VCH.
Zeis, Roswitha. "Radiography and Tomography." Flow Batteries: From Fundamentals to Applications, Volume 2. Ed. Christina Roth, Jens Noack, Maria Skyllas-Kazacos, Wiley‐VCH, 2023. 263-280.
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