Setting the context

Kokal K (2019)

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 2019

Publisher: Routledge

Edited Volumes: State Law, Dispute Processing And Legal Pluralism

City/Town: London

Pages Range: 1-25

DOI: 10.4324/9780429460074-1


This book presents an ethnography of dispute processing by non-state forums and actors in rural India. As such it sheds light on a much neglected and contested topic. Arising in the context of recent legal and political debates that question the legitimacy of non-state actors engaged in dispute processing, the book explores the nature, form, and functioning of such forums and actors in two locations in rural India. Focusing on a fishermen’s community belonging to the caste of Hindu Machimār Koḷīs in coastal Maharashtra and an agrarian community in Uttarakhand with members from the Pandit, Thakur, Bhotiā, and Harijan caste groups, this study shows the manner in which non-state forums and actors engage with state law and its regulatory systems.

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How to cite


Kokal, K. (2019). Setting the context. In Kalindi Kokal (Eds.), State Law, Dispute Processing And Legal Pluralism. (pp. 1-25). London: Routledge.


Kokal, Kalindi. "Setting the context." State Law, Dispute Processing And Legal Pluralism. Ed. Kalindi Kokal, London: Routledge, 2019. 1-25.

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