Classification of multiplicity free quasi-Hamiltonian manifolds

Knop F (2024)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2024


Book Volume: 20

Pages Range: 471-523

Journal Issue: 1

DOI: 10.4310/PAMQ.2024.v20.n1.a10


A quasi-Hamiltonian manifold is called multiplicity free if all of its symplectic reductions are 0-dimensional. In this paper, we classify compact, multiplicity free, twisted quasi-Hamiltonian manifolds for simply connected, compact Lie groups. Thereby, we recover old and find new examples of these structures.

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How to cite


Knop, F. (2024). Classification of multiplicity free quasi-Hamiltonian manifolds. Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 20(1), 471-523.


Knop, Friedrich. "Classification of multiplicity free quasi-Hamiltonian manifolds." Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 20.1 (2024): 471-523.

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