DEM9 Book of Abstracts

Angelidakis V, D'Angelo O, Müller P, Pöschel T, Roy S, Xiao H (2023)

Publication Type: Edited Volume

Publication year: 2023

Original Authors: 9th International Conference On Discrete Element Methods (DEM9) 2023 Erlangen

Event location: Erlangen DE

DOI: 10.25593/opus4-fau-23702


DEM9 addressed the latest advancements in the simulation of particulate systems using discrete element methods, including coupled simulations, particle fragmentation, non-spherical particles, multiscale and multiphase systems.

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How to cite


Angelidakis, V., D'Angelo, O., Müller, P., Pöschel, T., Roy, S., & Xiao, H. (Eds.) (2023). DEM9 Book of Abstracts. .


Angelidakis, Vasileios, et al, eds. DEM9 Book of Abstracts. 2023.

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