New Bounds for the Integer Carathéodory Rank

Aliev I, Henk M, Hogan M, Kuhlmann S, Oertel T (2024)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2024


Book Volume: 34

Pages Range: 190-200

Issue: 1

DOI: 10.1137/23M1561312


Given a rational pointed n-dimensional cone C, we study the integer Carathéodory rank CR(C) and its asymptotic form CRa(C), where we consider “most” integer vectors in the cone. The main result significantly improves the previously known upper bound for CRa(C). We also study bounds on CR(C) in terms of Δ, the maximal absolute n×n minor of the matrix given in an integral polyhedral representation of C. If Δ∈{1,2}, we show that CR(C)=n, and prove upper bounds for simplicial cones, improving the best known upper bound on CR(C) for Δ≤n.
n-dimensional cone C, we study the integer Carathéodory rank CR(C) and its asymptotic form CRa(C), where we consider “most” integer vectors in the cone. The main result significantly improves the previously known upper bound for CRa(C). We also study bounds on CR(C) in terms of Δ, the maximal absolute n×n minor of the matrix given in an integral polyhedral representation of C. If Δ∈{1,2}, we show that CR(C)=n, and prove upper bounds for simplicial cones, improving the best known upper bound on CR(C) for Δ

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How to cite


Aliev, I., Henk, M., Hogan, M., Kuhlmann, S., & Oertel, T. (2024). New Bounds for the Integer Carathéodory Rank. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 34, 190-200.


Aliev, Iskander, et al. "New Bounds for the Integer Carathéodory Rank." SIAM Journal on Optimization 34 (2024): 190-200.

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