Stellenwert der Biopsie in der Diagnostik chronischer Wunden – ein Positionspapier der Initiative Chronische Wunden (ICW) e. V.

Erfurt-Berge C, Bültemann A, Gerber V, Motzkus M, Rembe JD, Dissemond J (2023)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2023


DOI: 10.1007/s00105-023-05259-7


Diagnostic assessment of chronic wounds is essential for the initiation of causal therapeutic treatment. For diagnostic classification of the wound genesis, it may be necessary to take a tissue sample for histological and/or microbiological processing. If there is clinical suspicion of a specific cause of the wound such as a neoplasm, an inflammatory dermatosis or a pathogen-induced wound, a tissue sample for further diagnosis is required immediately. If the ulceration does not respond sufficiently to adequate causal therapy, a tissue sample for further evaluation is recommended after 12 weeks. The choice of the correct sampling technique, further storage, transport and processing are just as decisive for a reliable result as the specific question for the diagnostic laboratory.

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How to cite


Erfurt-Berge, C., Bültemann, A., Gerber, V., Motzkus, M., Rembe, J.D., & Dissemond, J. (2023). Stellenwert der Biopsie in der Diagnostik chronischer Wunden – ein Positionspapier der Initiative Chronische Wunden (ICW) e. V. Die Dermatologie.


Erfurt-Berge, Cornelia, et al. "Stellenwert der Biopsie in der Diagnostik chronischer Wunden – ein Positionspapier der Initiative Chronische Wunden (ICW) e. V." Die Dermatologie (2023).

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