Samples of Creative Energy. On the Abstract Painting of Rosilene Luduvico

Wattolik E (2022)

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 2022

Publisher: Kunsthalle

Edited Volumes: Rosilene Luduvico. Primavera

City/Town: Darmstadt

Pages Range: 72-75

Authors with CRIS profile

How to cite


Wattolik, E. (2022). Samples of Creative Energy. On the Abstract Painting of Rosilene Luduvico. In León Krempel (Eds.), Rosilene Luduvico. Primavera. (pp. 72-75). Darmstadt: Kunsthalle.


Wattolik, Eva. "Samples of Creative Energy. On the Abstract Painting of Rosilene Luduvico." Rosilene Luduvico. Primavera. Ed. León Krempel, Darmstadt: Kunsthalle, 2022. 72-75.

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