Centraliszation or Decentraliszation of European Fiscal Rules? On the Reform Proposal of the European Commission

Büttner T (2023)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2023


Book Volume: 103

Pages Range: 301-304

Journal Issue: 5

DOI: 10.2478/WD-2023-0094


The paper discusses the proposals of the EU Commission for the reform of the EU fiscal rules. Against the background of the development of the rules and the experience with the compliance, it becomes clear that the proposals represent a change of course. The decentral-iszed responsibility in monitoring fiscal rules, developed after the financial crisis, will be weakened. Rather, a re-centraliszation of fiscal surveil-lance is proposed. In the author’s view, this would also weaken also national ownership of the fiscal rules and thus erode their effectiveness. Implementation of the proposals would instead lead to greater political capture of the EU fiscal rules.

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How to cite


Büttner, T. (2023). Centraliszation or Decentraliszation of European Fiscal Rules? On the Reform Proposal of the European Commission. Wirtschaftsdienst, 103(5), 301-304. https://doi.org/10.2478/WD-2023-0094


Büttner, Thiess. "Centraliszation or Decentraliszation of European Fiscal Rules? On the Reform Proposal of the European Commission." Wirtschaftsdienst 103.5 (2023): 301-304.

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