Gräser C, Kornhuber R, Podlesny J (2023)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2023
DOI: 10.1007/s10596-023-10231-4
We consider the deformation of a geological structure with non-intersecting faults that can be represented by a layered system of viscoelastic bodies satisfying rate- and state-depending friction conditions along the common interfaces. We derive a mathematical model that contains classical Dieterich- and Ruina-type friction as special cases and accounts for possibly large tangential displacements. Semi-discretization in time by a Newmark scheme leads to a coupled system of nonsmooth, convex minimization problems for rate and state to be solved in each time step. Additional spatial discretization by a mortar method and piecewise constant finite elements allows for the decoupling of rate and state by a fixed point iteration and efficient algebraic solution of the rate problem by truncated nonsmooth Newton methods. Numerical experiments with a spring slider and a layered multiscale system illustrate the behavior of our model as well as the efficiency and reliability of the numerical solver.
Gräser, C., Kornhuber, R., & Podlesny, J. (2023). Numerical simulation of multiscale fault systems with rate- and state-dependent friction. Computational Geosciences.
Gräser, Carsten, Ralf Kornhuber, and Joscha Podlesny. "Numerical simulation of multiscale fault systems with rate- and state-dependent friction." Computational Geosciences (2023).
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