Schneider MA, Wahl P, Vitali L, Diekhöner L, Vogelgesang R, Kern K (2007)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2007
Book Volume: 88
Pages Range: 443-447
Issue: 3
DOI: 10.1007/s00339-007-4065-y
We use scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy to study the energy dependence of hot-electron scattering processes on metal surfaces via the determination of the energy-dependent phase-coherence length. From this an electron lifetime can be determined, which in the case of electrons in the surface state of Ag(111) and in the case of the n=1 image-potential state on Cu(100) shows good agreement with theoretical modeling and other experimental data. The method is based on the quantitative analysis of electron interference patterns. A theoretical analysis shows that the phase-coherence length can be determined in confining nanostructures of a characteristic length scale smaller than the phase-coherence length.
Schneider, M.A., Wahl, P., Vitali, L., Diekhöner, L., Vogelgesang, R., & Kern, K. (2007). Local measurement of hot-electron phase-coherence at metal surfaces. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 88, 443-447.
Schneider, M. Alexander, et al. "Local measurement of hot-electron phase-coherence at metal surfaces." Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 88 (2007): 443-447.
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