Tröndle T, Pfenninger S, Lilliestam J (2021)
Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Publication year: 2021
Publisher: European Commission DG Joint Research Centre
Edited Volumes: Atlas of the human planet 2020 – open geoinformation for research, policy, and action, EUR20516EN
City/Town: Luxembourg
Pages Range: 99-100
Tröndle, T., Pfenninger, S., & Lilliestam, J. (2021). The possibility for renewable electricity autarky in Europe. In Kemper, T., Melchiorri, M., Carneiro Freire, S., Ehrlich, D. (Eds.) (Eds.), Atlas of the human planet 2020 – open geoinformation for research, policy, and action, EUR20516EN. (pp. 99-100). Luxembourg: European Commission DG Joint Research Centre.
Tröndle, Tim, Stefan Pfenninger, and Johan Lilliestam. "The possibility for renewable electricity autarky in Europe." Atlas of the human planet 2020 – open geoinformation for research, policy, and action, EUR20516EN. Ed. Kemper, T., Melchiorri, M., Carneiro Freire, S., Ehrlich, D. (Eds.), Luxembourg: European Commission DG Joint Research Centre, 2021. 99-100.
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