Bäumler R (2023)
Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Publication year: 2023
Publisher: Academic Press
Edited Volumes: Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment
Book Volume: 4
Pages Range: 246-249
ISBN: 9780323951333
DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-822974-3.00164-6
The pedosphere and biosphere together, despite their marked differences, form the skin of the Earth's terrestrial ecosystems. The ecozonal concept is one of the first concepts to enable classification of both soils and the biosphere. Climatic factors are the main trigger that creates the differences within soils or soil types, within ecosystem sub-types, and between both. This chapter provides a short introduction to the chapters with a special focus on soils and soil types that follow a zonal concept, but also on soils which follow the law of exception, both are within the Pedology Section of the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment.
Bäumler, R. (2023). Ecozones and soils – An introduction. In Michael J. Goss, Margaret Oliver (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. (pp. 246-249). Academic Press.
Bäumler, Rupert. "Ecozones and soils – An introduction." Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. Ed. Michael J. Goss, Margaret Oliver, Academic Press, 2023. 246-249.
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