Usability and feasibility of PreventS-MD web app for stroke prevention

Feigin VL, Krishnamurthi R, Medvedev O, Merkin A, Nair B, Kravchenko M, Jalili-Moghaddam S, Barker-Collo S, Ratnasabapathy Y, Skinner L, Owolabi M, Norrving B, Sachdev PS, Arroll B, Brainin M, Thrift A, Hankey GJ, Abd-Allah F, Akinyemi R, Azarpazhooh R, Bhatia A, Bath PM, Brayne C, Budincevic H, Child N, Chwojnicki K, Correia M, Davis A, Devlin G, Demarin V, Dhamija RK, Ding D, Dokova K, Dudley M, Dyer J, Edmonds M, Ely M, Farhoudi M, Feigin S, Fornolles C, Firzah Abdul Aziz A, Gabriel D, Gall S, Gil A, Gnedovskaya E, George A, Haršány M, Harwood M, Hillis A, Hou ZG, Hwang K, Ibrahim N, Ka’ai T, Kalra N, Katzenellenbogen J, Zhe Kang L, Kar A, Karaszewski B, Kazin V, Kivipelto M, Kamenova S, Kondybaeva A, Lavados P, Lee TH, Liu L, Mahawish K, Maluchnik M, Martins S, Mateen F, Mavaddat N, Mohan Mehndiratta M, Mikulik R, Oliver A, Özturk S, Patel N, Piradov M, Prakash B, Purvis T, Reips UD, Roos K, Rosand J, Sahathevan R, Sekaran L, Shamalov N, Anne De Silva D, Singh V, Solomon A, Srivastava P, Suwanwela NC, Taylor D, Truelsen T, Venketasubramanian N, Volevach E, Volný O, Wan J, Withanapathirana K, Welte T, Wiebers D, Winkler A, Wijeratne T, Wu T, Asyraf Wan Zaidi W (2023)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2023


DOI: 10.1177/17474930231190745


Background: Most strokes and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are potentially preventable if their risk factors are identified and well controlled. Digital platforms, such as the PreventS-MD web app (PreventS-MD) may aid health care professionals (HCPs) in assessing and managing risk factors and promoting lifestyle changes for their patients. Methods: This is a mixed-methods cross-sectional two-phase survey using a largely positivist (quantitative and qualitative) framework. During Phase 1, a prototype of PreventS-MD was tested internationally by 59 of 69 consenting HCPs of different backgrounds, age, sex, working experience, and specialties using hypothetical data. Collected comments/suggestions from the study HCPs in Phase 1 were reviewed and implemented. In Phase 2, a near-final version of PreventS-MD was developed and tested by 58 of 72 consenting HCPs using both hypothetical and real patient (n = 10) data. Qualitative semi-structured interviews with real patients (n = 10) were conducted, and 1 month adherence to the preventive recommendations was assessed by self-reporting. The four System Usability Scale (SUS) groups of scores (0–50 unacceptable; 51–68 poor; 68–80.3 good; >80.3 excellent) were used to determine usability of PreventS-MD. Findings: Ninety-nine HCPs from 27 countries (45% from low- to middle-income countries) participated in the study, and out of them, 10 HCPs were involved in the development of PreventS before the study, and therefore were not involved in the survey. Of the remaining 89 HCPs, 69 consented to the first phase of the survey, and 59 of them completed the first phase of the survey (response rate 86%), and 58 completed the second phase of the survey (response rate 84%). The SUS scores supported good usability of the prototype (mean score = 80.2; 95% CI [77.0–84.0]) and excellent usability of the final version of PreventS-MD (mean score = 81.7; 95% CI [79.1–84.3]) in the field. Scores were not affected by the age, sex, working experience, or specialty of the HCPs. One-month follow-up of the patients confirmed the high level of satisfaction/acceptability of PreventS-MD and (100%) adherence to the recommendations. Interpretation: The PreventS-MD web app has a high level of usability, feasibility, and satisfaction by HCPs and individuals at risk of stroke/CVD. Individuals at risk of stroke/CVD demonstrated a high level of confidence and motivation in following and adhering to preventive recommendations generated by PreventS-MD.

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Auckland University of Technology / Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makau Rau NZ New Zealand (NZ) University of Waikato NZ New Zealand (NZ) University of Auckland NZ New Zealand (NZ) Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand NZ New Zealand (NZ) University of Ibadan NG Nigeria (NG) Skåne University Hospital / Skånes universitetssjukhus SE Sweden (SE) University of New South Wales (UNSW) AU Australia (AU) Universität für Weiterbildung / Donau-Universität Krems AT Austria (AT) University of Western Australia (UWA) AU Australia (AU) Cairo University EG Egypt (EG) Western University CA Canada (CA) University of Nottingham GB United Kingdom (GB) Cambridge Institute of Public Health GB United Kingdom (GB) Klinička bolnica "Sveti Duh" (KBSD) HR Croatia (HR) Medical University Gdansk / Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny PL Poland (PL) Universidade do Porto PT Portugal (PT) Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (JAZU) / Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU) HR Croatia (HR) Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences (IHBA&S) / Shahdara Mental Hospital IN India (IN) Huashan Hospital CN China (CN) Medical University of Varna / Медицинският университет „Проф. д-р Параскев Стоянов“ BG Bulgaria (BG) Iwi United Engaged Limited NZ New Zealand (NZ) St. Anne's University Hospital / Sv. Anny v Brně CZ Czech Republic (CZ) Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (TBZMED) / دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تبریز IR Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR) Luton and Dunstable University Hospital GB United Kingdom (GB) University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre / Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia MY Malaysia (MY) Hospital Geral de Santo António PT Portugal (PT) University of Tasmania (UTAS) AU Australia (AU) Johns Hopkins University (JHU) US United States (USA) (US) Institute of Automation (CASIA) / 自动化研究所 CN China (CN) University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) US United States (USA) (US) Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) / गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह इन्द्रप्रस्थ विश्वविद्यालय IN India (IN) Maastricht University NL Netherlands (NL) Al-Farabi Kazakh National University / Äl Farabï atındağı Qazaq Ulttıq Unïversïteti KZ Kazakhstan (KZ) Universidad del Desarrollo CL Chile (CL) Chang Gung Memorial Hospital TW Taiwan (TW) Capital University of Medical Sciences / 首都医科大学 CN China (CN) Ministry of Health / Ministerstwo Zdrowia Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej PL Poland (PL) Massachusetts General Hospital US United States (USA) (US) BLK Super Speciality Hospital IN India (IN) Selçuk Üniversitesi TR Turkey (TR) Karolinska Institute SE Sweden (SE) Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) BR Brazil (BR) Universität Konstanz DE Germany (DE) Ballarat Health Services (BHS) AU Australia (AU) Federal Center of Brain Research and Neurotechnologies RU Russian Federation (RU) National Neuroscience Institute (NNI) SG Singapore (SG) All India Institute of Medical Sciences IN India (IN) Chulalongkorn University / จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย TH Thailand (TH) Rigshospitalet DK Denmark (DK) Raffles Hospital / 莱佛士医院 SG Singapore (SG) University Hospital Ostrava / Fakultní Nemocnice Ostrava CZ Czech Republic (CZ) Three Kings Accident & Medical Clinic NZ New Zealand (NZ) Technische Universität München (TUM) DE Germany (DE) Mayo Clinic US United States (USA) (US) Sunshine Coast Health Institute AU Australia (AU) Christchurch Hospital NZ New Zealand (NZ)

How to cite


Feigin, V.L., Krishnamurthi, R., Medvedev, O., Merkin, A., Nair, B., Kravchenko, M.,... Asyraf Wan Zaidi, W. (2023). Usability and feasibility of PreventS-MD web app for stroke prevention. International Journal of Stroke.


Feigin, Valery L., et al. "Usability and feasibility of PreventS-MD web app for stroke prevention." International Journal of Stroke (2023).

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