Needle-like structures discovered on positively charged lightning branches

Hare BM, Scholten O, Dwyer J, Trinh TN, Buitink S, ter Veen S, Bonardi A, Corstanje A, Falcke H, Hörandel JR, Huege T, Mitra P, Mulrey K, Nelles A, Rachen JP, Rossetto L, Schellart P, Winchen T, Anderson J, Avruch IM, Bentum MJ, Blaauw R, Broderick JW, Brouw WN, Brüggen M, Butcher HR, Ciardi B, Fallows RA, de Geus E, Duscha S, Eislöffel J, Garrett MA, Grießmeier JM, Gunst AW, van Haarlem MP, Hessels JW, Hoeft M, van der Horst AJ, Iacobelli M, Koopmans LV, Krankowski A, Maat P, Norden MJ, Paas H, Pandey-Pommier M, Pandey VN, Pekal R, Pizzo R, Reich W, Rothkaehl H, Röttgering HJ, Rowlinson A, Schwarz DJ, Shulevski A, Sluman J, Smirnov O, Soida M, Tagger M, Toribio MC, van Ardenne A, Wijers RA, van Weeren RJ, Wucknitz O, Zarka P, Zucca P (2019)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2019


Book Volume: 568

Pages Range: 360-363

Journal Issue: 7752

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1086-6


Lightning is a dangerous yet poorly understood natural phenomenon. Lightning forms a network of plasma channels propagating away from the initiation point with both positively and negatively charged ends—called positive and negative leaders1. Negative leaders propagate in discrete steps, emitting copious radio pulses in the 30–300-megahertz frequency band2–8 that can be remotely sensed and imaged with high spatial and temporal resolution9–11. Positive leaders propagate more continuously and thus emit very little high-frequency radiation12. Radio emission from positive leaders has nevertheless been mapped13–15, and exhibits a pattern that is different from that of negative leaders11–13,16,17. Furthermore, it has been inferred that positive leaders can become transiently disconnected from negative leaders9,12,16,18–20, which may lead to current pulses that both reconnect positive leaders to negative leaders11,16,17,20–22 and cause multiple cloud-to-ground lightning events1. The disconnection process is thought to be due to negative differential resistance18, but this does not explain why the disconnections form primarily on positive leaders22, or why the current in cloud-to-ground lightning never goes to zero23. Indeed, it is still not understood how positive leaders emit radio-frequency radiation or why they behave differently from negative leaders. Here we report three-dimensional radio interferometric observations of lightning over the Netherlands with unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution. We find small plasma structures—which we call ‘needles’—that are the dominant source of radio emission from the positive leaders. These structures appear to drain charge from the leader, and are probably the reason why positive leaders disconnect from negative ones, and why cloud-to-ground lightning connects to the ground multiple times.

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Involved external institutions

Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) BE Belgium (BE) Universität Hamburg (UHH) DE Germany (DE) Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg (TLS) - Karl-Schwarzschild-Observatorium DE Germany (DE) Astron NL Netherlands (NL) Radboud University Nijmegen NL Netherlands (NL) Australian National University (ANU) AU Australia (AU) Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik / Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics DE Germany (DE) University of Manchester GB United Kingdom (GB) University of Orléans / Université d'Orléans FR France (FR) George Washington University (GWU) US United States (USA) (US) Kapteyn Astronomical Institute NL Netherlands (NL) University of Groningen / Rijksuniversiteit Groningen NL Netherlands (NL) Space Research Centre / Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PL Poland (PL) Leiden University NL Netherlands (NL) Universität Bielefeld DE Germany (DE) University of Amsterdam NL Netherlands (NL) Rhodes University ZA South Africa (ZA) KVI-Center for Advanced Radiation Technology NL Netherlands (NL) Technische Universität Berlin DE Germany (DE) National Center for Scientific Research / Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) FR France (FR) Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences (IBCH PAS) / Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej (IChB PAN) PL Poland (PL) Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie / Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy DE Germany (DE) University of New Hampshire US United States (USA) (US) Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin DE Germany (DE) University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn PL Poland (PL) Jagiellonian University / Uniwersytet Jagielloński (UJ) PL Poland (PL)

How to cite


Hare, B.M., Scholten, O., Dwyer, J., Trinh, T.N., Buitink, S., ter Veen, S.,... Zucca, P. (2019). Needle-like structures discovered on positively charged lightning branches. Nature, 568(7752), 360-363.


Hare, B. M., et al. "Needle-like structures discovered on positively charged lightning branches." Nature 568.7752 (2019): 360-363.

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