Laumer T, Stichel T, Schmidt M (2016)
Publication Type: Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
Publication year: 2016
Conference Proceedings Title: Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference DDMC 2016: Conference Proceedings
Event location: Berlin
Simultaneous Laser Beam Melting of polymers (SLBM) allows the generation of multi-material components, consisting of different thermoplastic polymers, within one additive building process. Besides the common advantages of conventional Laser Beam Melting (LBM), multi-material components built by SLBM can fulfill different product requirements like different chemical resistances or haptic material properties within a single part. To achieve such parts, different powder materials are deposited next to each other and preheated a few degrees below their melting temperatures by infrared emitters and laser radiation (λ = 10.60 µm), before in the last step the preheated powders are molten simultaneously by an additional laser source (λ = 1.94 µm). In this paper, different polymer powders like polypropylene (PP) and polyamide 12 (PA12) are used for the generation of multi-material specimens. By varying different building parameters according to a specified design of experiments, their influence on the part properties is analyzed. Important building parameters are the intensity and the irradiation time of the laser beam used for melting the preheated powders. Besides using tensile tests to determine the tensile strength and the elongation at break, the average part height in dependence of the energy input is analyzed. The overall aim is to specify the correlation between different building parameters regarding the energy deposition on the resulting part properties.
Laumer, T., Stichel, T., & Schmidt, M. (2016). Correlation Analysis of Different Building Parameters on the Part Properties of Parts Built by Simultaneous Laser Beam Melting of Polymers. In Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference DDMC 2016: Conference Proceedings. Berlin.
Laumer, Tobias, Thomas Stichel, and Michael Schmidt. "Correlation Analysis of Different Building Parameters on the Part Properties of Parts Built by Simultaneous Laser Beam Melting of Polymers." Proceedings of the 3rd Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference 2016 (DDMC2016), Berlin 2016.
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