Paul H (2023)
Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Publication year: 2023
Publisher: Königshausen & Neumann
Edited Volumes: Figures of Pathos: Festschrift in Honor of Elisabeth Bronfen
City/Town: Würzburg
Pages Range: 337-352
ISBN: 978-3-8260-7832-3
Paul, H. (2023). The "Lost Colony" of Roanoke: The Story of a Beginning and an Ending, an All-American Passion Play, and Many Uncanny Returns. In Frauke Berndt, Isabel Karremann, Klaus Müller-Wille (Eds.), Figures of Pathos: Festschrift in Honor of Elisabeth Bronfen. (pp. 337-352). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
Paul, Heike. "The "Lost Colony" of Roanoke: The Story of a Beginning and an Ending, an All-American Passion Play, and Many Uncanny Returns." Figures of Pathos: Festschrift in Honor of Elisabeth Bronfen. Ed. Frauke Berndt, Isabel Karremann, Klaus Müller-Wille, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2023. 337-352.
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