Development and evaluation of a school-based physical literacy intervention for children in Germany: protocol of the PLACE study

Carl J, Schmittwilken L, Pöppel K (2023)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2023


Original Authors: Johannes Carl, Louisa Schmittwilken, Katharina Pöppel

Book Volume: 5

DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2023.1155363

Open Access Link:


Fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic, the physical activity behavior of children has reached a concerning level nowadays. By empowering individuals to be physically active throughout the life course, the concept of physical literacy has recently gained increasing attention and adopts a holistic-integrative perspective on PA promotion. Although the field has successively attempted to translate the conceptual ideas of physical literacy into interventions, the theoretical base is heterogeneous and is often lacking within interventions. Furthermore, several countries, including Germany, have not equally adopted the concept yet. Therefore, the goal of the present study protocol is to describe the development and evaluation approach of a PL intervention (“PLACE”) for children in grades three and four within the German all-day schooling system.

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How to cite


Carl, J., Schmittwilken, L., & Pöppel, K. (2023). Development and evaluation of a school-based physical literacy intervention for children in Germany: protocol of the PLACE study. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5.


Carl, Johannes, Louisa Schmittwilken, and Katharina Pöppel. "Development and evaluation of a school-based physical literacy intervention for children in Germany: protocol of the PLACE study." Frontiers in Sports and Active Living 5 (2023).

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