Classification of stuttering – The ComParE challenge and beyond

Bayerl SP, Gerczuk M, Batliner A, Bergler C, Amiriparian S, Schuller B, Nöth E, Riedhammer K (2023)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2023


Book Volume: 81

Article Number: 101519

DOI: 10.1016/j.csl.2023.101519


The ACM Multimedia 2022 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge (ComParE) featured a sub-challenge on the classification of stuttering in order to bring attention to this important topic and engage a wider research community. Stuttering is a complex speech disorder characterized by blocks, prolongations of sounds and syllables, and repetitions of sounds and words. Accurately classifying the symptoms of stuttering has implications for the development of self-help tools and specialized automatic speech recognition systems (ASR) that can handle atypical speech patterns. This paper provides a review of the challenge contributions and improves upon them with new state-of-the-art classification results for the KSF-C dataset, and explores cross-language training to demonstrate the potential of datasets in multiple languages. To facilitate further research and reproducibility, the full KSF-C dataset, including test-set labels, is also released.

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How to cite


Bayerl, S.P., Gerczuk, M., Batliner, A., Bergler, C., Amiriparian, S., Schuller, B.,... Riedhammer, K. (2023). Classification of stuttering – The ComParE challenge and beyond. Computer Speech and Language, 81.


Bayerl, Sebastian P., et al. "Classification of stuttering – The ComParE challenge and beyond." Computer Speech and Language 81 (2023).

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